Key Takeaways from Kennet Partners’ Dinner Panel on High Growth companies
The following story is part 1 of a 2 part series on a panel Kennet Partners held for high growth companies.
What do great high growth private companies have in common? My partners and I hosted a conference for high growth companies and executives last month around the INC 500 event in National Harbor, Maryland to discuss this topic in detail. Our motivation for the panel topic came from a book called “The Breakthrough Company” by Keith McFarland (review here) that explores this topic in detail – think “Good to Great” for companies going from $5M to $250M. McFarland’s book covers several themes relating to growth: shifting goals from the founder’s success to that of the company; investing in new markets and approaches (including how and when to do that); and making the transition from being nimble to competing with scalable advantages. In the spirit of the book, we invited a great group of capital-efficient founders to discuss some of the books major themes and their personal experiences. The panel speakers, listed below, all led fast growth capital-efficient companies that achieved high value outcomes.