Author: Tony Wagner
Who should read it: educators, parents and commercial/social entrepreneurs
This is an excellent book on the challenges and potential solutions in today’s education system. Tony Wagner sees a major gap between what students are being taught, and the skills they need to master to succeed in the 21st century economy.
Unlike many that complain about the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law, he favors testing, but believes that it should be about ability to acquire critical skills needed by the market place, not just recalling content. His diagnosis is that the primary challenge facing education is in the way educators manage themselves: where, unlike other professions there is little peer review. Without a way for teachers to assess themselves, they will be challenged to improve their practice and student outcomes.
He also recognizes that to motivate students in today’s digital media environment we need to change how we teach them – with more media, interactivity, peer interaction, rapid metric-based feedback, real world projects and success coaching. There is massive technology-based innovation disrupting the Education sector, and that will create significant opportunities for social and commercial entrepreneurs offering solutions that cost-effectively improve results. This book highlights several social entrepreneurs doing exactly that: improving results while also teaching success skills most schools don’t address. His insights are enlightening for educators, parents and commercial/social entrepreneurs seeking opportunities to improve education.